Preventive Care
When is the last time you had a preventive or wellness physical with your primary care provider? Did you know that the Affordable Care Act (ACA) made most preventive screens and vaccines low to no cost for all insured Americans? This means there are benefits that are covered without any out-of-pocket cost to you. Why not take advantage of this health insurance benefit?
Scheduling Your Preventive Care Visit
It’s important for your provider to get to know you when you’re well so they can partner with you to keep you healthy. When you schedule a preventive visit with your (in-network) doctor, it is helpful to tell them you are there for a preventive visit so they bill your insurance carrier correctly.
While at this appointment, your provider will guide you through the appropriate vaccines and health screenings based on your age and family history. View the preventive health schedule for more information.
If you have a specific issue beyond preventive care, you may need to schedule another visit to discuss the issue with your doctor, which will likely involve co-pays and deductibles. Communication with your doctor is an important part of preventive care.
Act Now to Stay Healthy
Preventing disease is critical to maintaining your health and to keeping your health care costs under control. When you take part in prevention, the benefits have a positive impact on families and the community.
Center for Disease Control.
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