Blake’s Story

Blake’s Story

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I have been categorized as pre-diabetic since I was a teenager. Being younger, I did not take my health as seriously as I should have and ignored advice from my doctors to improve my health. Reaching an age where family planning has become more relevant, the realization that pre-diabetes can prevent me from living the life I want to live kicked me into gear. I knew I needed help breaking habits I formed and reinforced over 20 years and getting myself onto the right path, but I did not know where to begin. I had tried crash diets and high-intensity workouts before with no results and worked with nutritionists that left me feeling worse about my situation and health.

ConnectCare3 was advertised at the benefits fair with my employer, and it felt like an answer to my prayers. I was struggling with my body image, eating junk, and grappling with the reality that I was fast approaching a diabetic diagnosis in my early 20s. I knew I needed to take the steps to help myself, and CC3 presented itself as the perfect path to take. Despite hesitations to work with a nutritionist after my previous experiences, I reached out with the idea that I could drop the program if I was not seeing results or feeling good about the program.

Since the start of my time working with CC3, I have seen incredible results in many aspects of my life. I view food differently, I understand what my body tries to tell me, and I do not feel that I am giving anything up by pursuing a healthy lifestyle. I feel that CC3 freed me from the limitations I had placed on myself to have a healthy relationship with food and a functional lifestyle.

“Let’s start with breakfast” has become a motto in my life to remind me to break things down and address a single issue at a time. This was one of the first things my health coach said to me after our initial visit. By starting with breakfast, and then moving to lunch, dinner, and other areas of my life, I felt that the changes I was making were not as overwhelming as they would have been by trying to do it all at once. By starting small and taking small steps, my life is completely different than it was a year ago. Thanks CC3!

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ConnectCare3 is a confidential benefit for those covered under their employer’s health insurance plan. If you have questions or would like to enroll in one of ConnectCare3’s services, contact us today.